All writing and photos on this site are copyright of the author, unless other credit is given.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happy birthday to me...

It's truly great to have the support of those who are most important in your life. The photo above is the manifestation of that support in my life. In the photo above you will see my wonderful wife's birthday gift to me. She remodeled a spare bedroom in our home to be my den, where I can write and read and ponder the things I want to write more. She did it perfectly. It has my career fire service memorabilia, family mementos and literary stuff. All my favorite and inspirational authors are there. With this great support how can I go wrong?


  1. Beautiful. What a wonderful gift from your wife. That chair looks like a great comfy spot to write too. (Wish I had one.) You're all set for continued writing success!

  2. That is a gorgeous office! Looks like something from a book about famous authors' work spaces!

    Have fun there - settle in and let your stories flow!

  3. This is a beautiful space. I could create there! Enjoy...
